Articles and Workshops

From time to time I’ll post a few articles on pretty much anything that strikes my fancy at the time.  You are welcome to reprint these articles or quote from them, but please attribute them to Susan Lyons and include the following:

This material is © Susan Lyons and reprinted with her permission. Susan writes sweet short romance and sexy romance that's passionate, heartwarming and fun. Visit for more information.

If you'd like one or more articles in MS Word format, contact Susan via the Contact page of this website.

Awesome Vancouver:  a personal tour of Susan’s Vancouver, and the Awesome Foursome’s Vancouver (first published in LoveLetter)

Promotion for Introverts

Media Demystification


Love Those Sex Scenes

Romance: Fantasy or Reality?

Romance Writing 101: Q&A on everything you want to know about writing romance.

Resource Books for Writers

Writer's Block

Facing the Fear Monster

Look Who's Talking: Mastering POV and Tense
(handout from workshop presented to RWA National in July 2009)

Are Bookstores Defunct?

Does Size Matter? Writing Fiction of Different Lengths
(first published in Romance Writers Report)

Work With Me – A Chat with Newly Published Authors Susan Lyons and P.J. Mellor (first published in Romantic Times BookReviews)

Building a Supportive, Successful RWA Chapter

Pitching an Editor or Agent

Tips From a Contest Queen

Being a Good Guest – Blogger, That Is



Portrait of Susan Lyons



I am available for signings, bookstore events and chats with book clubs. I’m also happy to present workshops on:

  • Does Size Matter? Writing Novels, Novellas and Short Stories:  Susan, who is multi-published in all three formats, provides guidelines for writing different lengths.
  • Birthing a Novel: Going from Idea to Typing “Chapter 1”:  So you have a brilliant idea, and you’re the best person to write that book. What do you need to do before you actually type “Chapter 1”? Susan discusses things to consider in getting your characters, your story, and yourself ready to write.
  • Let’s Talk Dialogue:  Participants will analyze dialogue written by popular writers to determine the purposes of dialogue and techniques for writing dialogue that suits your characters and story, as well as your own writing voice.
  • Look Who’s Talking: Should your story be written in first or third person, or even omniscient? How many characters should have a point of view? When, if ever, should you head-hop? Learn how to use the most effective tense and point(s) of view for your novel, novella or short story.
  • Freeing Up Your WildMind: Learn and practice Natalie Goldberg’s tips for freeing up your creativity and writing more effectively and more passionately.
  • Developing Characters Who Resonate: This workshop discusses a fun and useful tool for developing characters: the heroine and hero archetypes (e.g., bad boy, charmer, spunky kid, nurturer) described in The Complete Writer’s Guide to Heroes & Heroines by Tami D. Cowden, Caro LaFever and Sue Viders.
  • Critiquing the Critique Group: Everyone has an opinion on critique groups/partners, ranging from “they’re essential” to “stay away.” Susan will discuss the pros and cons for writers at various stages of their careers. Learn how to set up a successful critique group or relationship, and what to do if it’s not working. This workshop will also discuss critiquing in person, electronically, and over the phone.

